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Consultation Services

Since 1997, ImageWorks, LLC has been helping clients focus their marketing efforts, not just on-line, but in an INTEGRATED fashion. Before moving on-line we strongly recommend that potential on-line project managers invest in designing a project scope. Additionally, companies that may be expanding the scope of their existing web site design should perform a needs analysis before beginning a project. ImageWorks, LLC unique time tested 6 step process can eliminate many of the pitfalls in the on-line project building experience.

In addition to performing a complete needs analysis, RFP Writing, and Scope Definition, our process includes:

  • Competitive Analysis – Find out what your competitors are doing better than you.
  • Usability Study – Understand the needs of your market and make your site easy to use for those markets.
  • Prototyping – Create a roadmap and on-line experience based on the results of the needs analysis.
  • Go On Line – Make the site live and begin to reap the rewards of your new marketing efforts.
  • Analytics – Review the visitor data and re-integrate to tighten up and dramatically improve conversion ratios.
  • Ongoing support and Site Promotion – Continue to drive the right kind of traffic to your site through proven techniques.

ImageWorks, LLC will work with your company to make sure you have a solid foundation and understanding of the following concepts:

  • Should you invest in a website with no understanding of whether or not it is a marketable product or service for the web?
  • What are the REALISTIC performance goals and what will you consider a success?

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